Monday, December 13, 2010

People food is good.

Too often we hear that we shouldn't ever feed our dogs "people" food. It's bad for the dogs, or they'll get fat, or it's not balanced nutritionally. Bah, humbug! With the right choices, I disagree.
Good people food IS good for dogs. We just need to use common sense. Think about it. Commercial dog foods haven't been around all that long and dogs were doing just fine on table scraps. I feed my Westies a diet of cooked rice (aids in digestion), assorted cooked and raw veggies, some fruits, cooked meats and eggs, some top quality dog kibbles and a daily vitamin. They are doing just great.
Not all veggies are appropriate,but carrots and green peppers can be given either raw or cooked. My guys love them. Cooked green beans cut up work well too. Just stay away from potatoes, pastas, and onion. My veterinarian says avocado is bad for dogs, but it's featured in some brands of dog foods, so I don't know. Radar and Dazy  love raw tomatoes and apples, which also have the benefit of cleaning their teeth too. Take it easy on the cooked beans and spicy or salty foods. I share my leftover soups with the dogs 'cause they have lots of good things already cut up and cooked. I only feed cooked lean meats and eggs. Be careful with pork. It can cause digestive upsets for some dogs. So fried eggs are great--sausage is not.
Balance out the dogs nutritional requirements with commercial dog food and the daily vitamin. It takes a little more work, but your dogs will love you for it and should thrive.

Savin' the Day

If you have girl dogs you know how particular they can be about where they, well, pee. They've just gotta have grass. So what do you do if you're staying with folks with only a cement patio? A good friend passed this tip on: buy about 3 rolls of real live grass sod, lay it out in an appropriate spot outside, and show your female dog that this is the newest, very best place to pee. Might take a little persuasion, but once she gets the hang of it, it works great. You can also use this on a boat or other situations. Real grass is more dog friendly than artificial turf, is easy to find (a sod farm, or nursery department of a hardware store), and is recyclable. Cool, huh?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cow Worship

One thing I've learned is to not try to understand the mind of a Westie--my chosen breed. Honestly, it can drive you crazy. For instance, my first Westie--the guy on the cover of SIT-STAY-DIE!--worshiped cows. Honest! Somehow, in his fluffy little brain, he decided cows (collectively meaning steers, bulls, and cows) were deities to be honored. He was gaa-gaa over them! He soon learned what habitat they lived in, and on road trips was constantly on the look out for pasture land and cattle guards because there might be cows. His happiest experience was when he was (French) kissed by a cow. OMG! McGyver was in ectasy for days....
Do you have any stories to share of dog worship?